Les examens

Après 4 ou 6 mois, vous serez confronté a un des 4 examens certifiants disponibles a notre Institut. Les différents…

Editor's Top Picks

How Can One Person’s Diet Affect Their Quality of Life?

Beets are quite possibly the most nutritious root vegetable accessible, pressing a lot of fiber, folate, and manganese into each…

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Les espaces récréatifs du centre

Dans cette salle, les étudiants peuvent réviser leurs leçons, s’amuser en jouant, en discutant, en…

Activités extra-scolaires

Nos activités parascolaires méritent également la même importance de la part de nos étudiants et…

How Can One Person’s Diet Affect Their Quality of Life?

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

5 Underrated, Nutritious Root Vegetables to Add to Your Diet

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…

What Doctors Wish Patients Knew About Healthy Eating

Root vegetables are often featured as a side dish, but you can prepare them in…